COVID-19 came along with a lot of stress eating, out of boredom and to distract ourselves from what is happening around the world. Obviously, most of us like to eat snacks and sweets to ease stress. However, habits like these can cause new health issues. Regarding your oral health this could mean cavities and tooth decay.
Last couple of months, COVID-19 cases have been increasing rapidly in Alberta, especially in Calgary. To control the spread, we should only go out of the house if it is necessary like essential groceries, drug store to get medications, and dental and/or medical appointments.
At Savanna Dental, we have developed this list of 5 tips to take care of your oral health:
- Have a healthy and balanced diet – eating healthy and having a balanced diet is key to provide our body, bones, teeth, and gums with the nutrients that they need to fight infections and diseases.
- Eat less snacks and sweets – eating a lot of sugar and/or salt can increase the risk of developing cavities and increase tooth decay. To prevent these, we recommend reducing the consumption of sugary and salty treats to up to once a day.
- Stay hydrated – staying hydrated is essential to produce saliva which washes away food from the teeth and maintains your oral health. Also, having a glass of water after every meal can help you rinse your mouth and remove any food excess from your teeth.
- Brush, floss and rinse your teeth – brushing, flossing, and rinsing with mouthwash should be part of your daily life. We recommend doing it at least twice a day when you wake up and before you go to sleep. However, if you can, you should also be doing it after each meal.
- Keep your toothbrush clean – viruses can survive in your toothbrush for up to three days. A good rinse with mouthwash and water can help maintain a clean toothbrush. Also, remember to change your toothbrush every 2 to 3 months.
These are just a few recommendations to help you prevent oral health problems. However, if you are suffering from tooth pain, Savanna Dental can help. Call us at (403) 293-3413 or walk into our dental clinic in Calgary NE.