A team of researchers have developed a new dental treatment which is designed to protect the teeth from decay and acid erosion. Unusually, the researchers have taken inspiration from the United Kingdom’s iconic Forth Bridge. The technology involved in the bridge’s paint has been utilized to develop the treatment, which is called Varnish VLC.
When we think of the creation of a new dental treatment, you may have the image of scientists working in a laboratory, or researchers analyzing huge amounts of data.
However, this is not always the case. The recent creation of a new dental treatment has been developed through using technology involved in the paint of the United Kingdom’s Forth Bridge [1]!
The treatment aims to protect the teeth from decay and acid erosion [1]. These are common issues, meaning that any treatment is highly sought after.
Forth Bridge is located in Scotland, 14 kilometers to the west of the capital city, Edinburgh. It is a well-known sight and one of the most iconic bridges in the United Kingdom. The bridge carries approximately 200 trains per day.
The bridge was completed in the late 1800s and is seen as one of the shining examples of Victorian engineering. Moreover, it is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
The bridge is known for its red paint. There have been numerous efforts in the past century to repaint the bridge. The most recent effort was in 2002, with significant preparation and data analysis taking place to prepare the bridge for painting [2].
In total, 240,000 litres of paint were used, with the enormous project finally being completed in 2011 [2]. Over a decade later, the paint is having an impact again, this time on the dental industry.
Varnish VLC
The research was carried out by a team from Queen Mary University of London in the United Kingdom [1].
The research has led to the development of a new dental treatment. This new treatment has been called Varnish VLC [1].
The researchers used civil engineering technology that had been used to create the Forth Bridge paint [1]. This technology was utilized in a way that its principles could be applied to dentistry.
The technology involved in creating Varnish VLC is called flake glass. This is a type of technology that has been used to protect tanks, vessels and pipelines from corrosion due to its incredible capability of protecting against harsh weather elements [1].
In terms of Forth Bridge, this technology was used during its construction. Incredibly, the technology provided almost 25 years of protection before requiring maintenance [1].
Now, the researchers have adapted this technology to the field of oral health. Utilizing the technology of flake glass, the researchers have been able to develop Varnish VLC.
In a similar way to how flake glass has enabled Forth Bridge to remain strong all these years, the idea is that it will be able to serve the same purpose for our teeth.
Varnish VLC mimics the natural properties of enamel, which allows the treatment to reduce wear and prevent damage to the teeth [1]. Enamel is the strongest material in the human body.
The idea is that Varnish VLC will be able to be applied to the teeth like a paste – similarly to how fluoride varnishes work.
Moreover, it is non-invasive, which offers a further benefit. Dentists can easily apply the treatment during check-ups.
Therefore, Varnish VLC will help to protect teeth from tooth decay and acid erosion, and effectively provide a layer of protection above the enamel.
Comments from the researchers
The researchers were very pleased with the creation of Varnish VLC. It certainly has the potential to make a significant impact on protecting teeth.
Dr. Saroash Shahid was the lead researcher on the project. Shahid said “it might sound unusual, but the challenges are similar: both teeth and bridges are exposed to harsh conditions, both suffer from corrosion, and both are difficult to protect” [1].
Continuing, Shahid said that “we believe this product has the potential to change preventive dentistry, particularly for children” [1]. While children will benefit the most from this treatment, adults should also get some benefit from this treatment.
Shahid finished by saying that the researchers “are excited to bring it to all children in England and particularly those in our local community in East London” [1].
In terms of the next steps, a six-month trial is ongoing. This trial is testing the effectiveness of Varnish VLC in a real-world environment [1].
Therefore, this trial will provide the researchers with knowledge on if the treatment will work in practice. If so, the treatment could shortly be rolled out.
Overall, any treatment for protecting teeth is in demand. By protecting our oral health, it improves our overall health and contributes towards a strong quality of life and wellbeing.
Thinking points…
1) This treatment appears to be most effective for children. If you have children, remember about how important visits to the dentist are! While Varnish VLC isn’t yet being rolled out, dentists can provide advice and look for any issues with the oral health of your children. Therefore, make sure they attend the dentist at least once every six months! Why not book them in for an appointment now?
2) While looking after oral health in children is important, it is crucial that adults also take good care of their dental health. As alluded to above, attending dental check-ups every 6 months can be very helpful, as they provide a chance for a dentist to take a thorough look at your oral health and treat any problems. Therefore, remember to book an appointment soon!
What we offer at Savanna Dental
Savanna Dental is a dental clinic based in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. We provide our patients with a range of treatment options and advice, with the aim of improving oral health and boosting overall wellbeing!
We advise our patients to attend our Calgary-based dental clinic twice a year for a dental check-up. If any problems are detected, we have many treatments available. For instance, these include cavity fillings and root canals. To try and prevent problems, it is important to brush your teeth at least twice a day and floss regularly.
Here at Savanna Dental, we also have some cosmetic treatments available! These include dental implants, tooth whitening and Invisalign™! Our patients find that these treatments have a positive impact on their appearance, confidence and self-esteem.
In addition, the fees of our services at our Calgary dental clinic Savanna Dental are set in line with the Alberta Dental Fee Guide.
We would love you to visit our Savanna Dental clinic in Calgary! You can find out more about us by visiting our website https://savannadentalclinic.ca/!
[1] Queen Mary, University of London. (2025). Scientists use technology behind Forth Bridge paint to create dental treatment. Available: https://medicalxpress.com/news/2025-03-scientists-technology-bridge-dental-treatment.html. Last accessed: 21st March 2025.
[2] Wilkes, D. (2011). We really have finished painting the Forth Bridge: The job they said would never end is completed after 127 years. Available: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2072233/We-really-finished-painting-Forth-Bridge-The-job-said-end-completed-127-years.html. Last accessed: 21st March 2025.